#1-I am going to ask you the same question over and over again until I receive the answer I would like to hear.
#2-I am going to unscrew the shower drain that you just fixed, and then blame it on my brother.
#3-I am going to put a toothbrush, a wipe, and an unknown ball of goo down your bathroom sink.
#4-I am going to leave your backyard hose on all night long.
#5-I am going to look you right in the eyes and tell you that I didn't mess my pants.
#6-I am going to join you every time you take a shower.
#7-I am going to run around your front yard in my underwear.
#8-Every time I put on a new pair of underwear, I am going to ask you 'if this is the weenie part.'
#9-I am going to tell you I have to go potty at the most inconvenient times.
#10-I am going to sleep in your bed.
#11-When your bedroom door is shut when you are married, I am going to ask, 'what are you doing,' and 'are you done yet?'
#12-When you don't answer I am going to stick my fingers underneath your door and yell, 'let me in.'
#13-I am going to climb on your couch, jump off the back, pull off all your cushions (and say I didn't do it.)
#14-I am going to take your multi-tool (or Leatherman) off your belt and hide it in your closet or the kitchen drawer. Better yet, I am going to hide your toolbox!
#15-I am NEVER going to flush the toilet.
#16-I am going to turn on all of the lights in your house, and leave them on.
#17-I am going to leave your front door wide open.
#18-I am going to leave the hatch door (on your car) open, and then open the garage door.
John, I love it! You are hilarious! I think more people should know this about you!